Advertising networks – Digital signal

Display advertising.

We offer you advertising on multimedia advertising media in the form of monitors placed in Polish universities. We offer almost 200 monitors located in 150 teaching buildings on more than 50 academic entities.

The screens are placed at the university’s most sensitive points, allowing us to reach nearly 600,000 students and staff with promotional information.

Promotional campaigns may be run on any number of monitors, in the units you specify, so that the information reaches the designated audience, e.g. construction students, students of a particular region.

The system supports multimedia files in the form of videos, animations, static content and text messages. When designing a campaign, we set several broadcast parameters: time, frequency, reach.

We provide assistance in designing advertisements, promotional spots that can be broadcast on the system.

dedicated advertising networks

Dedicated advertising networks /

Permanent systems

The TV network is an excellent tool for audio-visual information in public places i.e. offices, health facilities, universities.

We fully serve our customers in terms of both the procurement and installation of the right class of television and the installation of advanced control units. The supplied signal may be digital or analogue. Each time, before installation, we study the needs of our clients by creating visions of how the network will function, discussing the scope of work and the expectations placed on us.

The basic elements of any installation are the base components:

  • A multi switch transmitting satellite signals to multiple receivers,
  • A cable system bringing the signal to each room,
  • amplifiers to distribute the source signal in excellent quality,
  • modulators to convert the signal source,
  • the source of the signal e.g. satellite receiver, headend, others.


In our “Video productions” section, you can find offers for the creation of advertisements, presentations and various types of multimedia material that can be presented on any type of monitor. Modern, dynamic and interactive presentations are sure to generate more interest from potential customers in the services and products you offer.

video productions


+48 508 050 917, +48 663 277 823,